Sweet & Sour Seabass

Sweet & Sour Seabass




- 150g BE Rice noodles
- 1 Whole seabass
- 1 cup of diced bell peppers
- 1/2 onion, diced
- VG oil for deepfrying
- 1 Tbsp VG oil
- 1 bottle of BE Sweet & Sour sauce (190ml)
- 2 stalks of spring onions, julienne (for garnish)

Cooking Steps


1.Deep-fry the whole seabass and set aside on absorbing paper to remove excess oil.

2.In a pan on medium heat add 1 Tbsp of oil and stir fry the onions and bell peppers

3.Add the Sweet & Sour sauce to the vegetabbles and stir until well combined. Let it simmer for a couple minutes.

4.Coat the fried seabass with the sauce and garnish with the spring onions. Serve with Jasmine rice

Chef S Tip

This sauce being vegetarian, you can easily make this recipe vegetarian by subtituting the seabas by deep fried tofu.